The school uniform is to be worn on all days. A student who is not neatly dressed may be excluded from the class room or even sent home.
Every student should bring his/her hand book daily to school.
students should attend the school regularly. They must reach the school at least five minutes before the first bell.
The warning bell before class is a signal for all to go the assembly, or to their respective classroom. This should be done silently.
Students should show respect to the school authorities and the staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions.
No books (other than text books or library book) should be brought to the school premises.
If any student is found outside the school the school during class hours, without valid permission, he/she is liable to be dismissed. The school shall only assume responsibility for the students, after they have entered the school premises.
All are expected to speak in English within the school premises.
The absentees and the late comers must show to their teacher leave application/late coming record for admission to the classroom. Leave application from parents is a must for any student absent on the previous day.
The school reserves the right to ask the parents to withdraw their children if their children if their progress in studies still remains unsatisfactory even after taking remedial measures or their attendance is irregular or the conduct is harmful to other children.
Regular attendance is compulsory for promotion. Those who fail to get 75% of attendance will be detained.
Since it is co-educational school, it is expected from the students to observe a high standard of decorum as expected by society. Use of vulgar and filthy language are punishable offences. Shouting and whistling is not allowed in the school building and the school premises.
Firing crackers/splashing colours in the school on any occasion is forbidden.
Students should not bring any sharp instrument to the school.
No student should ravish or damage the school property in any way. Damage done/noticed must be reported at once to the class teacher. Any damage done to the school property will have to be compensated.
Wearing of gold, artificial ornaments, valuable watches or any other articles and bringing mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets (CD, Pendrive, I-Pad) etc. are strictly forbidden. Once confiscated it will not be returned.
Students are not allowed to enter class rooms other than their own.
Students should keep the class rooms and school surroundings neat and clean.
Homework and class work should be done neatly and regularly and should be submitted to the concerned teacher on time. Defaulters will be liable to punishment.
Students are warned against buying any eatable from street vendors.
Personal hygiene and cleanliness of every student in the school is essential. The uniform must be clean and neatly pressed, shoes well polished, fingers nails pared and hair neatly arranged. Use of cosmetic is not allowed.
Any student who is seen outside the school premises, after school hours, wearing the school uniform at any public place or gathering, is liable to be strictly penalised.
Smoking, chewing gum, eating pan masala betel leaf and any kind of intoxicant are strictly prohibited. If any students is found to be using it, he/she is liable to be suspended.
Celebration of birthday by students and giving gifts either to their friends or to teachers is not permitted.
Money collection by students for any purpose without the permission of school authorities is not allowed.
Students should mark his/her name, admission number, class and section on all his/her books.
Perfect silence is to be observed in class, laboratory and library.
The school and class teacher can not take responsibility for lost articles, like water bottles, tiffin, pencil box, money, etc. Kindly be responsible for your own things.
parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during School hours without the prior permission from the office. They are requested not to call their children or teachers on telephone, during school hours. The meeting time of teachers is between 1:30 – 2:00 pm, only on working days, from Monday – Friday. Kindly ensure that you visit the school reception and confirm the availability of the teacher, by atleast 1:00 pm.
Parents are particularly expected to sign the Principal’s and teacher’s remarks. Failure of this may cause great inconvenience to their ward.
Parents have to attend every Parents – Teachers’ meeting as and when it is arranged.
Parent are earnestly requested to enforce regularity and discipline at home and see that their children prepare their lessons and do the assigned homework. Their diary should be checked daily. Parents should see that their ward brings copies and books according to the Time Table only, to avoid extra bag weight.
Withdrawals of your child from classes for mere social functions is not recommended as it retards the child’s progress in school and minimisers his/her respect for regular hard work..
However, in case of any urgent requirement, you are requested to send a prior notice, addressed to the Principal, with your ward.
As the medium of instruction in this school is English, the children should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home.
Parents are especially requested to notify the school of any change in their address/Telephone No. etc.
Parents/Guardians are not allowed to bring articles like tiffin, water bottles, files, projects etc., forgotten by students. It must be brought by the student him/herself.