Messages to Parents

Special attention is paid for the observance of discipline. Parents are earnestly requested to render their whole- hearted co-operation to the teachers in this regard. Punctuality in attendance , decency and decorum in dress and talk are the regular features of the school discipline. Parents are discouraged to apply for leave for their children purely for social and family functions. Courses in value education, deportment, politeness and good manners are obligatory. The school is not responsible for a student's poor performance resulting from the infringement of any of the above rules.

The school reserve to itself the right to dismiss a student whose progress is continually unsatisfactory and conduct injurious to the healthy atmosphere of the school. Contempt of authority on the part either of student or parents is always a sufficient reason for the immediate dismissal of the student.

  • Parents / Guardians should send their children to school neatly dressed in full School Uniform, well equipped and on time.
  • Parents/ Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during School hours without the prior permission from the office. They are requested not to call their children or teachers on telephone.
  • Parents are particularly expected to sign the Principal's and teacher's remarks given in the hand books. Failure of this may cause a great inconvenience to their ward.
  • Parents have to attend every ' Parent- Teacher' meeting as and when it is arranged.
  • The CBSE scheme of education has brought about a change the education system, in the primary classes to begin with. Accordingly the present system of evaluating students through home- work, unit test, exams etc. will give way to a daily continuous and comprehensive evaluation by the teacher concerned. Hence the parents/guardians are forewarned to be prepared for this change and assume greater responsibility in supervising your ward's studies at home checking their hand books (diaries) daily and helping them bring to school the books according to time table and co-operate with us to implement the new scheme and usher in a new as well as better learning process.
  • Criticism of teachers or the school in the presence of the students should be deliberately avoided, because it causes the student to lose his/her respect for teachers and love for the school. If you have any legitimate complaint you may meet the authority concerned.
  • Withdrawals of your child from classes for mere social functions is not recommended, because it retards the child's progress in school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in studies.
  • As the medium of instruction in this school is English, the children should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home.
  • Parents are especially requested to notify the school of any change in their address/ telephone No. etc.

The students are divided into four houses namely Blue, Green, Yellow and Red in order to inculcate healthy spirit of competition and to get the best out of each individual student. Hence competition and other activities are conducted house-wise.


  • Students should attend school regularly. Those who fail to get 75% of attendance will be detained.
  • No leave of absence is granted expect for a serious reason and only on written application of the parents/ guardians inserted in the leave record page of the school hand book.
  • Absence without leave is penalized either with a fine or with any other form of punishment at the Principal's discretion.
  • Those who are absent without leave will have to pay a fine of Rs. 1/- per day. Similarly those who fail to be present just after / before holidays will be fined Rs. 5/- per day. Those who are absent due to illness must present a Medical Certificate.
  • If a student remains absent for 10days consecutively without intimation his /her name may be struck off from the register.